Tuesday, 20 April 2010


I am writing this in the midst of a mad flurry to get a load of work mounted up in time for my assessment tomorrow morning..yet again I have left it too late and I'm paying for it by forcing myself to have a VERY late night! Oh well, at least it means I HAVE to do the work, I'm not sleeping until I'm satisfied with the mountain of work I will be creating tonight!

Here's some shots from a Photography project I missed, and so had to do today, it's for a Perfume advertising campaign, my good friend Ken modelled for me, hopefully he didn't feel like too much of a dick prancing around Blenheim Palace for me. Good man though, got some good shots - take a look

There's a few more but I'm going to refrain from uploading them, they're HUGE files and I simply don't have the time tonight!

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